Le Carré Rouge- Thursday, June 21, 2012. 6-9PM.

Le Carré Rouge: presentations and discussions on solidarity, the Quebec student strike and the growing popular movement

Le Carré Rouge: présentations et discussions sur la solidarité avec la grève étudiante au Québec et la croissance du mouvement populaire

Thursday, June 21
Negative Space – 253 Princess Street


Close to 200,000 students have been on strike in Quebec for over 100 days, marking the longest student strike in Canadian history, with the momentum growing daily. In tandem with the strike, a growing popular movement has been building, responding to Quebec’s feeble attempts at negotiations and new draconian laws, like Bill 78, restricting the right to protest. Collectively, this popular uprising has seen daily and nightly protests, casseroles, actions, art interventions, economic disruptions, teach-ins, and other creative resistance to the tuition increase, privatization, and the institutional corruption and injustice rampant in Quebec… Fighting to win! On ne lâche pas!

Join us for an informal presentation and facilitated discussion on the student strike, the growing popular movement – in both Quebec and across the country – and ways in which we can build solidarity and assert our collective demands for a different and more just future.

*We will be collecting donations for legal defense at this event, which now totals over 2500 arrests over the last 3 months.

*Cet événement sera présenté en anglais, avec traduction chuchotée de l’anglais au français.


With short presentations by:

Brian Latour is a student, labour, and international solidarity activist currently studying at the University of Manitoba. Brian currently serves as Vice-President Unit 1 of CUPE local 3909, representing student academic workers and sessional instructors at the University of Manitoba, and will be sharing his thoughts on strategy for the student left in places like Manitoba and smaller-scale mobilizations.

Kandis Friesen is an artist and student on strike. From the nightly casseroles and neighbourhood committees, the nightly downtown demonstrations, police violence and political repression, the arts solidarity campaign and art interventions, picket-line solidarity, and strange mascots (Anarchopanda!), she’ll give a visual presentation of the wide range of actions that are creating (and critiquing) a rampant collective solidarity in Quebec.

Max Silverman is a law student – currently on strike for over 100 days – at UQAM. He is the coordinating administrator of the Legal Defense Fund 2012, and will be joining us via Skype for a legal update.


Negative Space is not currently fully wheelchair accessible – please contact us for more details at ngtvspc@gmail.com or visitngtvspc.wordpress.com



Winnipeg New Socialist Group

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